If you are a local business, it seems like it won’t be hard for you to get customers after all. Thanks to ‘user powered’ sites like Yelp.
With over 80 million visitors every single month and growing fast, Yelp helps people share their thoughts on local businesses such as restaurants, shops and more. Bottom line, if your business is not listed on Yelp (Which is 100% free to do), you are leaving money on the table.
Did you know that when people look for a local business on Apple Maps, the latest reviews from Yelp show up next to their profile?
That in itself is an incredible opportunity, considering a billion people are going to be using iOS devices by the year 2016.
Plus every star that people give you on your listing will most likely increase your revenue by almost 8% (According to Michael. L a Harvard Business school professor).
So how can you get started? Well it is quite simple but we do suggest you keep some of these tips in mind.
1. Fill out as much information as you can about your business.
You never know how someone might find you on Yelp or anywhere for that matter. The best thing is to give people as much information as you can from the get go.
2. Be constructive, even if you get a negative review.
Let’s face it, nobody’s perfect. So make sure to address any negative comments you might receive with honesty and grace. When you explain the entire situation, the result will usually turn out to be in your favor. Any sensible person out there knows that some people just can’t be pleased no matter what you do.
3. Use Images and photos of your business.
Always remember, when doing business online people can’t see or touch her products physically. The best thing you can do as a business is give them as much information as possible. Whether that be through audio images or video
Yelp is now going very strong in several countries which is naturally increasing its users all over the world. Keep in mind the more popular Yelp gets, the more visitors you attract to your local business.
Think of Yelp as a community where you can engage with your users, build positive relationships with them and increase your bottom line in the process.
Last time I checked, that’s always a good thing, especially for your local based business.